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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Education Marketing Program

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio farmers and food producers can learn how to target and communicate with consumers to help increase the visibility and economic potential of their businesses at a workshop offered at three Ohio locations in March and April. The Educat ...

  2. Education Marketing Program

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio farmers and food producers can learn how to target and communicate with consumers to help increase the visibility and economic potential of their businesses at a workshop offered at three Ohio locations in March and April. The Educat ...

  3. Community Development Spring In-Service Meeting

    Click here for more information. ...

  4. ESP National Conference

    Calling for proposals to present at the 2017 ESP National Conference in Wilmington, North Carolina. This is a great opportunity to talk about the great programs you are doing in front of a multidisciplinary audience. If you are selected, ESP covers your r ...

  5. Discovery Themes Hire for OSUE

    Ingrid Richards Adams is the first Discovery Themes hire for Ohio State University Extension, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Her appointment commenced January 1, and for OSUE Family and Consumer Sciences, her focus will be on c ...

  6. OSUE County Extension Director meeting


  7. Horse Council Meeting

    Horse Council generally meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, June- August meetings are held at the fairgrounds ...

  8. OSUE A&P Promotion Committee Winter Meeting


  9. OSUE A&P Promotion Committee Summer Meeting


  10. Horse Advisors Meeting

