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OSU Extension Factsheets
Vegetative Filter Strips: Application, Installation and Maintenance Available here: This publication summarizes the key aspects of the application, installation and maintenance of filter strips for Ohio condition ...
OSU Extension Factsheets
Community-based Watershed Management Available here: The purpose of this publication is to help you gain a better understanding of how communities are organizing at the watershed level to lessen the impact of huma ...
Best Practices
Learn about specific actions and practices that individuals and communities can put into practice to restore and protect stream and watershed services. ...
Watershed Management
Learn more about watershed management efforts in Ohio and how organizations, agencies, and individuals are working together to address water resource issues on a watershed scale. ...
test page
list of items ...
Past Events
Learning Activity Ideas
We have redesigned the Ohio 4-H website to make it easier and faster to find the information you need. If you have reached this page by selecting a bookmark that worked previously, it is likely the URL has changed. To navigate to the new redesigned websit ...
Donor Honor Roll & Memorials and Tributes
The Ohio 4-H Foundation is deeply grateful for the generosity of our many individual and corporate donors. Your commitment to Ohio 4-H Youth Development provides the means by which we build leadership, citizenship, character and life skills in Ohio’s y ...
2009 Award Winners
Hall of Fame Honorees The winners of the 2009 Ohio 4-H awards were announced at the annual Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high resolution images and captions for newsletters and ...
2010 Award Winners
Hall of Fame Honorees The winners of the 2010 Ohio 4-H awards were announced at the annual Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high resolution images and captions for newsletters and ...