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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. PhD Exit Seminar, Anna O. Conrad, Plant Pathology (P. Bonello, advisor)

    Metabolomics of Quercus spp. to understand and predict resistance to Phytophthora ramorum. ...

  2. Seminar, Shin-Yi Lee Marzano, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

    Metagenomes of beneficial microorganisms: disease suppressive soil and mycoviruses. Kottman 244 (Columbus) and Fisher 121 (Wooster) videolink ...

  3. Spring Commencement, Ohio Stadium


  4. Last day of classes for Spring Semester and Session 2


  5. PhD Exit Seminar, Nagendra Subedi, Plant Pathology (S. Miller, advisor)

    Characterization and management of Ralstonia solanacearum strains from South Asia. Fisher 121 (Wooster) videolinked to Kottman 244 (Columbus) ...

  6. Daylight Saving Time, clocks ahead 1 hr


  7. Niblack Named Fellow of Society of Nematologists

    Terry L. Niblack honored as Fellow; "A prelminary study of the composition of the gelatinous matrix of Heterodera glycines," by Horacio Lopez-Nicora and T.L. Niblack  received graduate student poster award .> News Release ...

  8. Spring Break March 16-20, no classes, university offices open


  9. Seminar, Anand Persad, Manager Plant Sciences Research, Davey Tree Institute

    Restoration of Urban Forests After Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and Relevance of An Urban Fit Matrix in Replant Selection in North America. Fisher 121 (Wooster) and 244 Columbus (Columbus). ...

  10. Camp Counselor Meeting

    Camp Counselor Meeting in Trumbull County This is one of the few opportunities that you will get to interact with your fellow camp counselors from Trumbull County. We will be meeting at 5:00 p.m. at the Lisbon Extension Office, if you would like to car po ...
