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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Pesticide Applicator Recertification Programs

    Private pesticide applicators with a license to purchase and apply restricted use pesticides are required to attend 3 hours of recertification training every 3 years to maintain their license.  Private applicator license categories are: Core (basic pestic ...

  2. Master Gardener Volunteer Training


  3. Planning for the Future of Your Farm (Succession Planning)


  4. Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Programs

    Fertilizer applicators who received certification are on a 3-year renewal cycle similar to the pesticide license applicator program.  Those applicators who received certification during the fall of 2014 or winter of 2015 need to attend fertilizer recertif ...

  5. FCS Sew & Go Classes- Class 3 of 3

    Class #3:  Catch-All Basket- Use it to store school supplies, cards, goodies, and more!  All supplies included for only $12 per class. FCS Sew & Go Classes Flyer & Registration ...

  6. FCS Sew & Go Classes- Class 2 of 3

    Class #2:  Phone Hanger- Shaped like an envelope, use it to store keys or hold your phone while charging!  All supplies included for only $12 per class! FCS Sew & Go Classes Flyer & Registration ...

  7. FCS Sew & Go Classes- Class 1 of 3

    Class #1:  Cozy Fidgeter- Make your own cozy fidget maze for hours of quiet fun!  All supplies included for only $12 per class! FCS Sew & Go Classes Flyer & Registration Form ...

  8. Fertilizer Applicator Recertification


  9. Private Pesticide Applicator License Certification


  10. Coshocton Muskingum Agronomy School

