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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. 2016 Fair Livestock Load-In Schedule

    Sunday, August 7th (unless otherwise noted). Beef Breeding, Feeders, & Steers: 7pm – 9pm, Weigh-in 9pm. Unload at the door facing the Beef tack tents towards the horse barn. ·Dairy Cows & Heifers: Noon Sunday – 8am Monday. Unload at the door facin ...

  2. Official Fair Livestock Load In/Weigh-In Schedule

    Beef Breeding, Feeders, & Steers: 7pm – 9pm, Weigh-in 9pm. Unload at the door facing the Beef tack tents towards the horse barn. ·Dairy Cows & Heifers: Noon Sunday – 8am Monday. Unload at the door facing the Beef tack tents towards the horse barn. ...

  3. Salsa Time!

    "How To" Home Canning Program to be held Thursday, August 4th, 6:30 p.m. at the Love Center Food Pantry, 1291 Massioon Rd., Millersburg, OH 44654. The program is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Call (330) 674-3015 for more information and the regist ...

  4. Market Livestock Photos Due August 1

    Our Market Livestock buyers appreciate receiving the placard and photo of the animal they purchased and the 4-H or FFA member who raised that animal.  You are now expected to submit your own photo of you and your Market Livestock Project.  Here are the De ...

  5. Communication and Conflict Management Workshop

    How well do you manage conflict? Conflict is a part of our daily lives. How we manage conflict impact on the quality, our work. Effectively dealing with and using conflict as a positive tool is a major component of success in current or future leadership ...

  6. The Skilled Facilitator Workshop

    Are you frustrated with business-as-usual meetings? How about conflict that sometimes happens in groups when decisions need to be made? You will learn skills and techniques to help your group solve tough problems. This day-long workshop will help you will ...

  7. MIssion Possible: Positive Leadership Workshop

    Are you a positive leader? Organizations that have a positive culture are more productive, have happier employees and most importantly, happy and satisfied customers. No matter what the current situation is, or who is causing the negativity in your organi ...

  8. Applying Your Strengths @ Work Online Workshop

    How you can apply your strengths at work. According to Gallup, employees who utilize their strengths at work are six times as likely to be engaged at work. You’ve taken the StrengthsFinder awareness workshop and learned your five strengths. This workshop ...

  9. Learn How to Diagnose Tree Problems Workshop

    This workshop is for tree and landscape professionals. See attached flier for more information. ...

  10. Horse Committee Meeting

