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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Soy Biodiesel a Success on Ohio State Campus

    October 13, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Thanks to Ohio soybeans, the Ohio State University campus community is breathing a lot easier. A portion of the university's public transportation vehicles are running on Soy Biodiesel, a fuel partially made from soy ...

  2. Ohio Master Gardeners Look to the Future

    October 20, 2004 WOOSTER, Ohio-- "Harvesting the Past, Sowing the Future" marks the theme for the Ohio Master Gardener Conference, an event that attracts more than 400 state Master Gardeners each year. The event, held Oct. 22-23 at the Ohio Stat ...

  3. Management Tips Highlight Dairy Conference

    November 22, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Ohio dairy producers looking to get the scoop on herd management, farm finances and government programs, as well as information on nearly 20 other dairy topics, can attend the Ohio Dairy Management Conference in December. ...

  4. Varying Soil Conditions Can Impact Nutrient Levels

    November 19, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- This growing season's topsy-turvy weather may have impacted more than crop performance and subsequent yields. Maurice Watson, an Ohio State University Extension soil specialist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  5. Agronomy Meetings Focus On Crop Production Issues

    November 14, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- From new guidance system technology to farm safety practices to staying profitable in the face of diseases, insects and drought, Ohio growers can get the scoop on the latest crop production issues through upcoming Ohio Re ...

  6. Ohio Peach Industry Peachy Keen

    November 12, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Peaches may very well be one of Ohio agriculture's best-kept secrets. For nearly a decade, the state's peach production has been quietly growing, jumping 53 percent from 5.8 million pounds in 1995 to over 11 mil ...

  7. Some Woodland Plants Are Made In The Shade

    November 5, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- A little shade goes a long way in the growth and marketing of some woody plants. Ohio State University ecologist and horticulturist Martin Quigley and Department of Horticulture and Crop Science undergraduate student Steph ...

  8. Media Advisory: Animal Sciences Course Recognized

    October 31, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- An Ohio State University Department of Animal Sciences course is being recognized by the Humane Society of the United States for its focus on animal welfare issues. The public and members of the media are invited to attend ...

  9. Woolly Bear Winter Prediction Not Science, But Fun

    October 21, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- The exit of summer always ushers in Fall familiarities- apple cider, pumpkins, changing landscapes and the site of nature's most recognizable caterpillar: the woolly bear. Cute, fuzzy and downright fun to watch it inc ...

  10. Strip Tillage An Option For Corn Growers

    October 17, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Corn growers considering fall tillage to alleviate soil compaction may find strip tillage a viable alternative to conventional tillage. Randall Reeder, an Ohio State University agricultural engineer, said strip tillage pro ...
