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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Holiday door decorating contest is coming!

    The hotly anticipated holiday door decorating contest will be arriving before you know it.  Email Katie LeMasters to participate! ...

  2. Screen Recording

    Have you ever wanted to record your lecture for your students or wanted to create a training for your staff? Check the link in the article! ...

  3. ATI team wins Ohio Dairy Challenge

    The three-person team of Kenneth Ramsier, Owen Greene, and Korey Oechsle took home first place at the Ohio Dairy Challenge. ...

  4. Mobile Design Lab on campus on Nov. 13

    On November 13th from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm the Digital Flagship's Mobile Design Lab will be parked next to the Construction Lab. ...

  5. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

    As members of the ATI community, it is important for all of us to become more familiar with college student retention and college student success. But who has the time to think about this? ...

  6. Welcome Dr. Teng Yang

    The Horticulture Division is pleased to announce the arrival of Dr. Teng Yang, a post-doctoral researcher who started November 1st. ...

  7. November 6, 2019


  8. Best Teaching Practices: Lessons from the Lily Conference

    Dr. Wendy Klooster (Horticulture and Crop Science) will be hosting a round-table discussion about teaching strategies learned at the Lily Conference. The event is open to faculty, staff, and graduate students. ...

  9. Need an ATI name badge?

    An order for employee name badges will be placed next week. ...

  10. General Education implementation update

    Updates from the subcommittees: Advising, Bookend Courses, Embedded/Cross-Sectional Components, Expected Learning Outcomes, and Regional Campuses ...
