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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    My absolute favorite meeting of our Master Gardeners’ group is the November seed exchange.  Seed harvesting is an old industry that many of us do not think much about anymore.  Now we typically order seeds from seed catalogues or buy them from seed racks. ...

  2. Parents, Find Your Oxygen Mask

    When sitting on an airplane waiting for take-off, have you ever put much thought into why flight attendants instruct parents travelling with young children to put on their oxygen mask first before putting it on their small children? Quite simply, in order ...

  3. Volunteering Is Good for the Soul

    With fall harvest almost completed, the changing colors of the leaves and with black Friday coming up soon many realize that 2014 is coming to a close soon.  My kids have already started telling me what they want Santa to bring them for Christmas.  No rea ...

  4. 4-H Newsletters

    September/October 2014 November/December 2014 ...

  5. Ohio State Builds Food Security in Tanzania

    Now about halfway through its $25.5 million, six-year grant, Ohio State University’s Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative, or iAGRI program, in Tanzania is becoming a prototype for strengthening the capacity of agricultural universities to improve ...

  6. Developing Nutrient Management Plan Workshop

    Free Workshops Offered on Developing Nutrient Management Plans COLUMBUS, Ohio – Four workshops designed to teach Certified Crop Advisers how to help farmers develop nutrient management plans will be offered by agronomists with Ohio State University’s Coll ...

  7. Cameron Thraen to Address the North American Dairy Club


  8. Discrepancies in Migration Statistics and their Implication on Well-Being Measures


  9. Migration and Climate Variability


  10. Children's Schooling in Nicaragua: What Is the Link Between Educational Achievement and Borrowing?

