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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Nutrient Management Field Days Announced

    Registration and program agendas are available for two upcoming Nutrient Management Field Day events being hosted at OARDC Branch Stations. These programs provide the opportunity for a demonstration approach to Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training ...

  2. NW Ohio Precision Ag Sprayer Day- Next Tuesday

    The Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Sprayer Day (clinic) and Pesticide Recertfication will be held next Tuesday, August 9th at the Fulton County Fairgrounds located at 8514 State Route 108, Wauseon, OH just off of the Ohio turnpike.  Program runs from 8 am to ...

  3. Western Bean Cutworm Update

    On another note, adult western bean cutworm trap counts are declining, having past their peak for the summer.  But scouting is still relevant as the later moths continue to lay their eggs.  Counties near Lake Erie have had particularly high trap counts.  ...

  4. Two New Products Available for Twospotted Spider Mite Management (One for Each Spot)

    With continued dry weather, the pest we’ve been getting the most calls about is the spider mite.  This is just a reminder that vigilant scouting for this pest is a good idea right now.  It is also important to re-scout 5 days after treatment because many ...

  5. 2016-23


  6. Food Safety Webinar Documents

    Food Safety Webinar Documents Presented by Dr. Lydia Medeiros, December, 2010 You Tube- Sanitizing the Kitchen Camtasia Recording- 12/9/10 Cleaning and Sanitizing the Kitchen ...

  7. Late Summer Seeding of Perennial Forages

    Although it may be a dim memory at this point, we started the 2016 growing season on the wet side.  Some planned spring forage seedings did not happen due to wet conditions and a compressed spring planting season.  Add to this the fact that some alfalfa s ...

  8. Got waterhemp? – Find Out the Herbicide Resistance Characteristics Now

    We have spent a lot of time educating and warning about Palmer amaranth, but while we were doing this, waterhemp has become a more widespread problem.  Waterhemp is only a little less fun to deal with than Palmer amaranth, and has a tendency to fairly rap ...

  9. 2016-22


  10. Spider Mite Be a Problem

    With continued hot, dry weather it is important to remain vigilant for emerging twospotted spider mite problems in field crops.  Look for characteristic yellow stippling on leaves and confirm the presence of mites by tapping vegetation over a piece of bla ...
