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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Drug Residues and Clearance Time in Sick Animals

              One important aspect of responsible livestock management is to care for sick animals.  In some instances, this may require the administration of drugs to help alleviate pain, promote healing and return the animal to health.  Depending upon the i ...

  2. Let's JAM...a hands-on jam-making workshop!

    Shannon Carter, Extension Educator, will guide participants in making strawberry jam from scratch. Participants will be able to take home a jar at the end of the session! Cost is $10 per participant (cash/check only). Registration/payment required by June ...

  3. Managing Dairy Cow Heat Stress

              Summer temperatures mean heat stress for dairy cattle.  Heat stress has negative impacts on both lactating and dry dairy cows.  In addition to decreasing milk production in lactating dairy cows, heat stress causes decreased feed intake, reproduc ...

  4. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about water bath canning.  No fee to attend. Reservation appreciated- call 740-652-7260 or email Kelley Scott at For information about all of our 2017 Home Food Preservation classes, ...

  5. Canning Vegetables, Meats and Combination Foods

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about pressure canning.  No fee to attend. Reservation appreciated- call 740-652-7260 or email Kelley Scott at For information about all of our 2017 Home Food Preservation classes, d ...

  6. Canning Vegetables, Meats and Combination Foods

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about pressure canning.  No fee to attend. Reservation appreciated- call 740-652-7260 or email Kelley Scott at For information about all of our 2017 Home Food Preservation classes, d ...

  7. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about water bath canning.  No fee to attend. Reservation appreciated- call 740-652-7260 or email Kelley Scott at For information about all of our 2017 Home Food Preservation classes, ...

  8. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about water bath canning.  No fee to attend. Reservation appreciated- call 740-652-7260 or email Kelley Scott at For information about all of our 2017 Home Food Preservation classes, ...

  9. Let's JAM...a hands-on jam-making workshop!

    Shannon Carter, Extension Educator, will guide participants in making strawberry jam from scratch. Participants will be able to take home a jar at the end of the session! Cost is $10 per participant (cash/check only). Registration/payment required by June ...

  10. Food and Fashion Board New York City Trip

