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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Required Child Abuse Training for Advisors, Master Garders & Master Clothing Educators

    Advisors, Master Gardners and Master Clothing Educators are required to attend ONE session of child abuse training per year per The Ohio State University.  There are two dates we are offering this training in 2015: Monday, May 4th and Tuesday, May 26th. T ...

  2. States With the Highest Property Taxes

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  3. Ohio Make It With Wool Open House

    Come to the Ohio Make It With Wool Open House! During the Open House, enjoy: Make-It/Take-It Wool Project Slide show and refreshments Wool Fabrics FOR SALE Come early for best selection!   ...

  4. Horse Advisors Open Show

    The complete showbill for the Fairfield County Horse Advisors Open Show can be found here as a word document or pdf.  Here is a quick peek of the showbill.  Please see the links above for the offical version. Fairfield County 4H Horse Advisors 34th Annual ...

  5. Food Hub Development

    Food Hub Development Based on the proven success of Spain’s Mondragon Worker-Owner Cooperative Corporation, the mission of Our Harvest Cooperative Food Hub is to develop systems to train and support growers and to develop cooperative owned and operated in ...

  6. Workforce Development: Apprenticeship

    Workforce Development: Apprenticeship Expanding access to nutritious homegrown food is important to the health of consumers, helps in job creation and also improving our rural economy.  While $29 billion was estimated to be spent on food by Ohio consumers ...

  7. Knowledge and Community Development

    Knowledge and Community Development A plan was developed to cultivate community through food-related education and economic development, including business start-ups, employment and investment. Project Goals Help a central Ohio neighborhood transition fro ...

  8. Collaborative Approaches for Food Entrepreneur Development

    Collaborative Approaches for Food Entrepreneur Development Food touches everything and is the foundation of every economy (Counihan & Van Esterik, 2013). While $29 billion was spent on food by Ohio consumers in 2011, about $26 billion (89%) of the foo ...

  9. Fashion and Nutrition Board Meeting

    We will hear from American Eagle manager about clothing styles to fit your figure and about the clothing business. Bring a couple dollars for a pretzel at Auntie Anne’s (or a snack from the mall food court) and we’ll have a short business meeting. Parents ...

  10. Home Grown Rabbit Intent Form Due

    All members intending to grow their own rabbits for projects must have the Home Grown Rabbit Intent form turned into the Extension Office by 4 pm.  The form is found in the May section of the Advisors Red Book or by clicking the link highlighted. ...
