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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Storytelling Through Social Media


  2. Local Leadership Group Meeting

    Local Leadership Group Meeting- November 23 from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Gehres Room) Purpose of meeting: Many Ohio Extension professionals across the state run or are involved in local leadership programs. ...

  3. Webinar Focuses on Funding Long-Term Care for Farm Families

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – The rising costs of nursing home care may impact farm families harder than others due to farm assets that may limit or prevent a family member from qualifying for Medicaid, according to by an agricultural law expert with the College of Fo ...

  4. Kinder selected as AAAS Fellow

    WOOSTER, Ohio--  James Kinder,  interim director of the  Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute  (Ohio State ATI), has been elected as Fellow of the  American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), honored by his peers as a sig ...

  5. Food & Health Lecture: "Brain Mechanisms of Food Liking and Wanting"


  6. Farm Law Workshop Series

    OSU Extension's Peggy Kirk Hall and Robert Moore of law firm Wright & Moore Co. LPA will partner to offer a Farm Law Workshop Series this March.  The three-night series will include the following sessions: March 11-- Planning for the Future of Yo ...

  7. Past Events


  8. News


  9. Educational Resources

    Peer-Reviewed Bulletin: Comprehensive Planning based on Sustainability: A Model for Ohio Communities. Moss, M. L., (2016). This Bulletin provides an overview of methods and a process to incorporate sustainability principles into comprehensive community pl ...

  10. Legal Sessions at Ohio Small Farm Conferences this March

    OSU's Small Farm Conferences will again include legal sessions this year.  At the "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference in Wilmington, Ohio on March 13--14, 2015, OSU's Peggy Kirk Hall will present two sessions: Using “Free” ...
