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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Kick Off


  2. Emerald Ash Borer

    If you have ash trees, and plan to use an insecticide treatment to prevent Emerald Ash Borer from killing them, April is the best time to apply that treatment! ...

  3. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

              In a dairy free-stall barn, stocking density is most typically defined in terms of cows per stall or used as a percentage.  For example, 1 cow/stall is equal to a 100% stocking density and 1.3 cows/stall is equal to a 130% stocking density.  Sto ...

  4. March 13th Junior Fair Board Meeting is Cancelled

    Due to the possibility of severe winter weather we have decided to cancel the Junior Fair Board meeting scheduled for tonight (March13th).  It has been re-scheduled for Monday March 20th at 6 pm. ...

  5. Dress A Girl Around the World- Fashion and Nutrition Board Community Service Day

    Come and join the Fairfield County Fashion and Nutrition Board for their day of community service.  Our goal is to make 175 dresses for the "Dress A Girl Around the World" program.  All Fairfield County sewing and quilting project members are in ...

  6. Camp Registration Day


  7. Planter Preparation for the 2017 Season

              A few weeks ago you probably could have taken some bets about corn getting planted in March this year.  Our current weather is our reality check.  However, now is the time to make sure that planters are ready to roll when planting season truly a ...

  8. 2017 Seneca County CARTEENS Scholarships

    The Seneca County 4-H CARTEENS program is offering two $500.00 scholarships to eligible high school graduates who plan to attend post-secondary education in the fall of the current year.  Applications must be received in the Seneca County Extension Office ...

  9. Master Gardener Scholarship Application

    Are you a high school senior and planning to attend college to pursue a degree in plant science (agronomy, botany, horticulture, forestry, or landscaping)?  The Seneca County Master Gardener program is offering a scholarship to recent high school graduate ...

  10. Early Season Forage Considerations

              I have been getting questions about seeding forages, both frost seeding and drilling, and this year’s weather pattern needs to be considered when making a seeding decision.  Generally March is a good time in our area to consider frost seeding.  ...
