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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. 2015 4-H and FFA Market Lamb and Goat Tagging

    Tagging of Market Lambs and Goats will occur on Saturday June 6, 2015 from 8:00 am – 10:30 am  in the Coliseum at the Wayne County Fairgrounds.  All Lambs and Goats MUST BE TAGGED to be eligible for fair participation.  Details will be sent to Vo-Ag teach ...

  2. CFAES Peer Mentors

    Congratulations to these FST students who been selected to serve as CFAES Peer Mentors for 2013-2014: Elana Berusch, Olivia Geoghegan, Amber Hodge, Meredith Myers, Kendra Spofford, Rachel Townsley, and Samantha Ward. ...

  3. Dr. Dennis Heldman Receives Carl R. Fellers Achievement Award

    Congratulations to Professor Denny Heldman who is this year’s winner of the Institute of Food Technologists Carl R. Fellers Achievement Award. He will be honored at the Chicago IFT meeting this June 2013. This award honors a member of IFT and Phi Tau Sigm ...

  4. Volume 12 Issue 5


  5. CFAES Continues to produce employable graduates

    At the recent CFAES Career Expo, the employers were optimistic about finding recent grads for employment at their company. ...

  6. Bumper crop of jobs for ag-school graduates

    Interest in food — safety, availability, environmental impacts — is on the rise, and as a result, so is the demand for college graduates trained in food-, agricultural- and environmental-science disciplines in Ohio and nationwide. “Food is in the news,” s ...

  7. Harris Award Lecture


  8. Spotted Wing Drosophila Monitoring and Management Webinar

    Celeste Welty, Dept. of Entomology, State Specialist and Jim Jasinski, Dept. of Extension, IPM Program will be offering a 90 minute webinar on spotted wing Drosophila (SWD), a relatively new pest in Ohio that attacks blackberries, raspberries, blueberries ...

  9. Win A Show Pig Essay Contest

    PCS Drive Thru and Markley Show Pigs have donated a barrow to be awarded to the winner of the first annual win a show pig contest.  This contest is for Wayne County 4-H members only.  Essays must be submitted no later than May 15, 2015 to PCS Drive Thru. ...

  10. 2015 Jr. Fair Large Livestock Champions to be Housed Together

    New for 2015 – the Jr. Fair Liaison Committee and Sr. Fair Board have discussed and decided to create a Champion’s Row.  Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Market Goats, Hogs, Lambs, and Beef Cattle will be housed together in the Champion’s Row!  More det ...
