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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. EPA’s New Herbicide Strategy: What is it and where did it come from?

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  2. Amanda Douridas

    Amanda Douridas Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources Madison County Extension 740-852-0975 FFMPI Affiliated Faculty & Staff ...

  3. Dr. Ian Sheldon

    Dr. Ian Sheldon Andersons Chair in Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy International Trade and Policy 614-292-2194 FFMPI Affiliated Faculty & Staff ...

  4. Israel Acham

    Israel Acham PhD (Krupek) Wooster I'm anticipating graduating Autumn 2028 Research Focus: My research focuses on enhancing the sustainability and productivity of urban farming systems for vegetable crops and cut flowers. I look forwar ...

  5. Citations Matter: Exploring and Expanding Your Citation Practices

    Citation is not a neutral practice. In the realm of academia, our citation choices wield significant influence—shaping discourse, amplifying voices, and impacting scholarly recognition. Yet, how often do we pause to reflect on the implications of these ch ...

  6. Beyond the Scale: Embracing Body Diversity and Challenging Weight Stigma

    Traditional views of health often equate wellness with body size and weight, but these metrics only tell part of the story. In this workshop, we will challenge the long-standing focus on weight as a measure of health by exploring the concept of Health at ...

  7. Quarterly Fertilizer Price Summary

    To better understand local fertilizer prices across Ohio, OSU Extension personnel initiated a fertilizer summary of retailers across Ohio in December 2023. Click each link below to access the quarterly reports. If you are a retailer, farmer or crop consul ...

  8. Beware of “Piercing the Corporate Veil”

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  9. Olivia Liebing

    Olivia Liebing MS (Owen) Columbus More info on my anticipated graduation date coming soon! Research Focus: My research is in the propagation of woody ornamental nursery crops. I focus on the impacts of daily light integral, root-zone tem ...

  10. Planning for the Future of Your Farm Workshops

    Planning for the Future of Your Farm Workshops Each year, OSU Extension holds “ Planning for the Future of Your Farm ” workshops to help families with farm transition planning.  We offer both a webinar and in person workshops at several locations across O ...
