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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Agribusiness Club Banquet

    Annual recognition of scholarship donors, recipients, and their parents at the Agribusiness Club Banquet on Monday, April 15 located at the Clinton Room of the Fawcett Center. The evening will begin with a reception at 6:00 PM and dinner will be served at ...

  2. 2013 Ag-lympics


  3. 2015 CFAES Recognition Program Award Applications

    Internship Award New Activity Award Outstanding First Year Student Scholarship Outstanding Service to Students Outstanding Student Employee Outstanding Student Organization Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Mentor Ray Miller Council Scholarship ...

  4. Australia ENR Study Abroad Application Deadline

    Don't miss out on your chance to spend May Session studying the environment and human socieites in North Queensland, Australia!  Apply on buckeyelink.  More information can be found here. Contact Kelly Newlon at ...

  5. Field Trip to Judging Contest

    To give students in his livestock judging class at Ohio State University a taste of actual livestock judging, Kyle Culp lead a field trip to the Hoosier Beef Congress in Indianapolis last weekend. “For some of them, they’ve never marked a card in a judgin ...

  6. Growing potential: How to recruit more Latino students into agriculture

    The Latinos in Agriculture Leaders Forum recently convened in San Antonio, Texas. Jamie Cano and Warren Tyler Agner attended the forum with financial support from the CFAES Professional Development Support Fund. The Leaders Forum brought together represen ...

  7. CFAES Diversity mini-grants announced

    The following individuals applied for and were selected to receive the first CFAES Diversity mini-grants. Christine Kindle, OSU Extension educator, Tuscarawas County, collaborating with Robin Bowdish, council coordinator, Tuscarawas County Family and Chil ...

  8. Dec. 18 Open Doors training: How to recognize, identify, end bias

    OARDC, ATI, and the OSU Student Life Multicultural Center are hosting  Open Doors  training on Dec. 18 in the Fisher Auditorium conference room at OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. The training is part of the university's commitment to diversity and ...

  9. Boost to brewing biogas: OARDC receives $6.5 million grant to further develop new system

    OARDC has received a $6.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Energy to test and expand OARDC-developed technology that can produce biogas from a variety of solid organic wastes and bioenergy crops. Awarded thr ...

  10. A better tool in the toolbox: New project will bolster Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index

    Grand Lake St. Marys has lost an estimated $60-80 million in tourism due to harmful algae blooms. And in 2011, algae blooms covered 990 square miles of Lake Erie's surface area, the largest in the lake's history. Phosphorus is the pollutant most ...
