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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Dairy Judging Clinic


  2. Dairy Judging Clinic


  3. PetPALS Preparing Pets

    Objectives: Learn the importance of feeding their pets a high quality diet. Understand the importance of grooming their pets prior to visiting. Learn the steps involved in grooming their animals. Recognize signs of sickness in their pets. Recognize when t ...

  4. Cover Crops Can Serve Corn Nitrogen Needs in Continous No-Till

    PIKETON, Ohio – Cover crops incorporated into a continuous no-till field crop rotation can produce enough nitrogen to complement, or in some cases, replace corn nitrogen fertilizer applications, according to long-term Ohio State University Extension resea ...

  5. State 4-H Horse Communications Contest- Team Presentation

    Event Schedule Registration Information: Registration must be postmarked by Feb 15 and will not be accepted after Feb 15th.  Check-in will be at 8:00am in the Animal Science Bldg. lobby. Contest will begin at 9:00am.  Please park behind the Animal Science ...

  6. Winter Issue 2015


  7. Scholarships


  8. History & Mission


  9. Specialty Pumpkin Grant Received

    By: Brad Bergefurd, MS, Horticulture Specialist and Extension Educator Thanks to a grant from the Ohio Vegetable and Small Fruit Research and Development Program, the Ohio State University South Centers Horticulture program has been researching pumpkin cr ...

  10. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center Recap

    By: Christie Welch, OCDC Program Manager and Brad Bergefurd, Horticulture Specialist and Extension Educator 2014 was a year of growing cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center (OCDC) at the OSU South Centers worked w ...
