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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Some reminders about fall herbicide treatments and cover crops

    There is still time to apply herbicides yet this fall.  The frosts that are starting to occur have little effect on the weeds of concern – marestail, purple deadnettle, chickweed, etc.  We have applied well into December with acceptable results.  Fall tre ...

  2. Soybean Rust Information

    Ohio Field Crops Diseases Soybean Rust Website Soybean Rust Fact Sheet  (pdf) Skip Row Soybean Production Fact Sheet  (pdf) USDA Soybean Rust Information Site Economic Impact of Soybean Rust (USDA-ERS Report) Soybean Disease Soybean ...

  3. Grain Outlook Breakfast- Plain City, OH

    Examining Land Values, Cash Rents, Input Costs & Margins in 2016  Barry Ward, Assistant Extension Professor, The Ohio State University Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Developmental Economics   Grain Markets in 2016  Dr. Matt Roberts, Ass ...

  4. Darke County On Farm Research Review- Greenville, OH

    What we’ll cover:  A look at the published 2104 reports  What were the results for 2015        o 5 manure side dress plots        o Corn response to nitrogen        o Soybean population study        o Controlled traffic yield results  Plans for 2016 Co ...

  5. Genetically Modified Organisms

    Need grain tested for GMO's? The following is a list of some public and private labs that currently provide testing for the presence of GMO's in grain crops. Some of these labs can evaluate crops for a wider range of GMO's than others. Gene ...

  6. Enrollment Information

    The enrollment deadline for the 2016 4-H year is April 1. Each year, new members, new advisors, and new clubs can enroll or re-enroll during our "open enrollment period", which will run from January 1 to April 1. By the April 1 deadline all new ...

  7. Soil Compaction Management at Harvest Time

    (Editors note: The following article is being reissued as it appeared in 2011 when we had a very wet fall. The information in it is still relevant today. Unlike 2011 we have had a nice dry fall when we can actually use tillage when it is needed to allevia ...

  8. Drainage and Tillage Effect on Soybean Production

    Sundermeier%202011%20Soybean%20drainage%20tillage%20Final.pdf 2011 Soybean Soybean Equipment and Tillage Tile and Drainage ...

  9. Drainage and Tillage Effect on Corn Production

    Sundermeier%202011%20Corn%20drainage%20tillage%20Final.pdf 2011 Corn Corn Equipment and Tillage Tile and Drainage ...

  10. Twin Row Corn: Evaluation of Increasing Seeding Rates Across Two Hybrids

    Twin%20Row%20Corn%20seeding%20rates%20hybrids%20final.pdf 2011 Corn Corn Corn Planting ...
