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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Kids' Cooking School

    Kids' Cooking School- Theme: Iron Chef Cost is $5.00 and is payable at the door. Space is limited so call the office at 419-281-8242 to make a reservation.  Location is Kates Hall- Ashland University- click here for AU Camp Map ...

  2. Kids' Cooking School

    Kids' Cooking School- Theme: Iron Chef   Cost is $5.00 and is payable at the door.   Space is limited so call the office at 419-281-8242 to make a reservation.   Location is Kates Hall- Ashland University- click here for AU Camp Map ...

  3. Central State University Contact

    Any educator contacted by representatives of Central State University needs to refer them to Ken Martin. These contacts can include requests for information, requests to serve on advisory committees/councils, requests to plan and conduct programs, etc. Th ...

  4. Journal Information

    A note from Andy Londo: Publishing in peer reviewed outlets benefits all of us, and is a requirement for those in faculty positions. It not only provides peer review validation for the quality of your work, but increases the body of knowledge in your subj ...

  5. CFAES Back to School Bash

    The 3rd Annual Back to School Bash will be held at Fred Beekman Park. Student organizations will have games and activities and participate in a kickball tournament. Food will be available to all students at no cost. ...

  6. Agricultural Education Society

    Executive Team 2015: President: Shelby Faulkner Vice-President: Lindsey Bement Secretary: Emily Burns Treasurer: Carley Snider Reporter: Flo Smith Student Council Representative: Justin Feltz   Advisors Tim Ray and Carla Jagger Contact: Ag Ed Society on F ...

  7. 4-H FCS Committee


  8. 4-H Horse Committee


  9. Baby Beef Record Book Meeting


  10. Skill-a-thon Clinic

