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2015 Jr. Fair Sheep and Swine Show Time Changes
For Monday of the fair (September 14th) the Swine Showmanship classes will now start at 8:00 am and the Market Lamb and Showmanship Show will begin at 3:00 p.m. or immediately following Swine Showmanship. This change was agreed to by leadership of the Sh ...
2015 Spring Tractor Supply Company 4-H Paper Clover Campaign
In addition to providing needed support to our county 4-H program – the Paper Clover Campaign is also a great time of the year for 4-H clubs to hold in-store fundraisers such as car washes and selling hot dogs. Please contact our local TSC managers to th ...
Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Kits Provide a Teaching Tool for 4-H Volunteers
Do you want to provide your 4-H Cloverbuds more fun and hands-on activities? Do you need meeting ideas? Volunteers have access to easy-to-use teaching resources for 4-H Cloverbud meetings. As the result of a generous grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation, ...
2015 4-H Project Book Reminders
The project book format for 4-H beef, goat, cavies, dairy, pocket pets, dog, rabbit, sheep and swine members includes a resource handbook that needs to be purchased once every five or more years, and a Project and Record Book that needs to be purchased an ...
2015 Dairy Palooza Bus Trip
The Wayne County 4-H and FFA Dairy Committee invites all Dairy youth to participate in the Dairy Palooza Bus Trip to the Ohio 4-H Dairy Palooza East event on Saturday May 2, 2015. The bus trip will allow Wayne County youth to travel together from Wooster ...
Hancock County 4-H Jr Camp
Link to the 4-H Camp Opportunities page Camp registration begins Monday, March 4 and we are in the process of finalizing all registration materials. Hancock County 4-H members ages 8-14 should receive an invitation later in April. The theme for this year& ...
4-H Dog Fun Match Hancock Co.
Link to a flyer with registration form for this event Registration 8-9 a.m. Judging starts at 9:30 a.m. Showmanship classes must be pre-registered and pre-paid Entry fee: $5 all classes with the exception of $3 Obedience Practice Class Sponsored by the K- ...
Performance Against Standards Horse Show Hancock Co.
Link to a show bill Entries are due June 1 for PAS shows within the Maumee Valley Extension Education and Research Area (EERA) Link to Regional 4-H events website which includes 2015 Ohio State Fair Jr Horse Program Qualifications and Patterns and the ent ...
CPR & First Aid Training Session 2
Second of two training sessions scheduled for 2015 Camp Counselors ...