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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Olivia Smith Graduate Defense Seminar

    Olivia Smith, MS Candidate in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, will present her Graduate Defense Seminar, Effects of Agricultural Land Conversion and Landscape Connectivity on Movement, Survival, and Abundance of Northern Bobwhiltes (Colinus Virginianus) i ...

  2. Managing tropical agroforestry for conservation of flocking migratory birds

    McDermott, Molly E., Amanda D. Rodewald and Stephen N. Matthews. 2015. Managing tropical agroforestry for conservation of flocking migratory birds. Agroforestry Systems 89(3):383-396. Stephen N. Matthews Journal article Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab ...

  3. Individual variation in anthropogenic resource use in an urban carnivore

    Newsome, Seth D., Heidi M. Garbe, Evan C. Wilson and Stanley D. Gehrt. 2015. Individual variation in anthropogenic resource use in an urban carnivore. Oecologia  178(1):115-128. Stanley D. Gehrt Journal article Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab ...

  4. Buckeyes Are Toxic to (Real) Ducks, Say Ohio State Ag Experts, But Biggest Risk May Be on Football Field

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio buckeyes, experts say, can poison most livestock and wildlife. So what about ducks?  In theory, yes, say scientists with Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.  ...

  5. Environmental Film Series

    School of Environment and Natural Resources & Office of Energy and Environment invite you to the Environmental Film Series with lively discussions led by leading OSU and local experts. The series will be held at the Ohio Union U.S. Bank Theater. The s ...

  6. Writing Your Federal Resume Webinar

    The US Office of Personnel Management is offering a webinar on Writing Your Federal Resume.  Register through HIREABUCKEYE. This is the third of four webinars being offer. ...

  7. Pathways Programs for Students and Recent Graduates Webinar

    The US Office of Personnel Management is offering a webinar on Pathways Programs for Students and Recent Graduates. Register through HIREABUCKEYE. This is the first of four webinars being offer. ...

  8. Finding and Applying for Jobs on USAJOBS and What Happens after You Apply Webinar

    The US Office of Personnel Management is offering a webinar on Finding and Applying for Jobs on USAJOBS and What Happens after You Apply.  Register through HIREABUCKEYE. This is the second of four webinars being offer. ...

  9. Parks and Rec to Red River Gorge Trip

    For those looking for a super duper awesome shmawesome Fall Break Trip: sign up to go to Red River Gorge. Thursday 10/15- Sunday 10/18. Cost: $40 (could decrease a tad if things work out well:) and BYOB** email to join in. ...

  10. Pranietha Mudliar's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    Pranietha Mudliar, PhD Candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, will present her Doctoral Scholarly Seminar, Institutions for Collective Action in Heterogeneous Communities. Her presentation will be held in 245 Kottman Hall. ...
