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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Morrow County Office

    5362 US Highway 42, Suite 101 Mt. Gilead Ohio 43338 419-947-1070 Visit the Morrow County Office website County Office ...

  2. Food Preservation Class

    Food Preservation Registration ...

  3. Winter Tree ID Workshop

    Winter Tree ID Brochure ...

  4. 4-H CARTEENS Earn Community Service Hours for School

    Summer is officially over now that all the kids are back in school; Friday night high school football games are taking place all across Ohio; and, fall harvest is just around the corner.  Summer has truly come and gone for 2015.  This also means more teen ...

  5. Energy Infrastructure Workshop

    To help keep landowners and public officials such as county commissioners, township trustees, state representatives and economic development directors informed about the potential impact of energy development in their communities, Ohio State University Ex ...

  6. Bees and Beneficials Workshop

    This session will focus on the biology and natural history of these important insects, including how to invite bees and beneficials into our gardens and landscapes. Topics include garden predators, bee biology, backyard bees and beneficials, bees at  The ...

  7. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  8. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  9. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  10. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13. Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beeke ...
