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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Webinar on Latino Demographic Patterns in the US

    There is a seminar on May 4th at 1PM on the demographic patterns on Latinos in the United States. This is a great opportunity as Ohio continues to be a top destination for the Latino population. More information here. ...

  2. Planter U In-service Opportunity

    Please save the date for our Planter U in-service opportunity on February 27. The following day, we will hold a program directed for farmers and other industry professionals. Monday will be an afternoon program focused for OSUE educators with more engagem ...

  3. Immigrants and Refugees- A Gain for Ohio

    The immigrant population in Ohio has been continually growing in the urban areas throughout the state. This blog post looks at ways that Extension can positively impact the lives of those who are new to our state. Full article here. ...

  4. CD Wire- May 2, 2016

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: NACDEP Registration Reminder – One week left! If you have yet to get registered, doing so soon saves us $100. The $450 conferen ...

  5. References

        Travel References Experience Columbus: FY16 Per Diem Rates: NUEL Bi-Annual Meetings Past Meeting Minutes NUEL References NUEL members by region (May 2016) ...

  6. OSU Partners on Mid-South Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference

    Partners in the national Ag & Food Law Consortium recently hosted the 2016 Mid-South Agricultural & Environmental Law Conference in Memphis, Tennessee.  Ohio State's Peggy Hall addressed attendees on Legal Issues and Liability in Agricultural ...

  7. Legislation Proposes Tax Credits for Manure Infrastructure Investments

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  8. NUEL Pre-Meeting

        National Urban Extension Leaders Pre-Meeting Session: Policy, Politics and Positioning 23 May 2016 in Columbus OH Bi-Annual Meeting: May 23-26, 2016 in Columbus, OH The Call Join your Extension colleagues and a diverse array of non-profit professional ...

  9. Emotional Vampires at Work- Workshop

    Do you work with an emotional vampire? The kind of co-worker who can drain the energy and morale of everyone they encounter? The emotional vampire’s toxic behavior can range from subtle comments to full-blown drama. It is important to learn how to keep he ...

  10. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership Workshop

    Are you a positive leader? Organizations that have a positive culture are more productive, have happier employees and most importantly, happy and satisfied customers. No matter what the current situation is, or who is causing the negativity in your organi ...
