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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Chow Line: Tomatoes loaded with health benefits (for 8/2/09)

    July 24, 2009 We love eating tomatoes during the summer. What are their best qualities, nutrition-wise? The tomato is an incredible food. Not only is it low in calories and high in fiber and nutrients, it's relatively inexpensive and it can be used i ...

  2. Chow Line: Team up water with healthy diet, activity (for 4/19/09)

    April 10, 2009 I heard something about how school water fountains can help kids lose weight. Can you tell me more? The study is an interesting one. Reported in the April 2009 issue of Pediatrics, researchers examined habits and outcomes of nearly 3,000 sc ...

  3. Chow Line: Take steps to prevent osteoporosis (for 5/18/08)

    May 9, 2008 My mother was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. What can I do to reduce my risk, and my children's? There are a number of things you can do, and it's never too late to start. Although osteoporosis, or weak bones, is more common i ...

  4. Chow Line: Take medical advice when reducing iron (for 7/26/09)

    July 17, 2009 My iron levels are way too high. How can I cut back on the iron in my food? Most foods contain at least some iron, but there are things you can do to reduce your body's absorption of this essential mineral. However, before you make any ...

  5. Chow Line: Many children low in vitamin D (for 9/6/09)

    August 28, 2009 I recently read that many children are low on vitamin D. How can I be sure my children are getting enough? This is a great question for your pediatrician the next time you take your children to the doctor. If your health care team has conc ...

  6. Chow Line: Summertime Corn: How sweet it is (for 7/1/07)

    June 22, 2007 What makes corn on the cob so sweet? Ooh-- that's too easy. Sweet corn is sweet because of (drum roll, please)... sugar! Specific types of corn are grown just for the fresh sweet-corn market, and that, of course, makes a big difference ...

  7. Chow Line: Make your salad as healthful as possible (for 5/17/09)

    May 8, 2009 My sister makes what she calls "junk food salad," with lots of toppings and dressing. Is that kind of salad healthful? Salads are great, but your instincts are correct: Just because something is called a "salad" and rests o ...

  8. Chow Line: Lots of reasons to eat healthy whole grains

    March 14, 2008 I know it's recommended that we eat more whole grains. Why are they so healthful? Scientists are still uncovering all of the merits of whole grains. Basically, the point is that whole-grain foods retain the bran and germ as well as the ...

  9. Chow Line: Lots of reasons not to eat a high-fat diet (for 8/30/09)

    August 21, 2009 I read about a study linking a high-fat diet to memory loss. How much fat is too much? You are probably talking about a University of Oxford study published in the online version of the FASEB Journal (the journal of the Federation of Ameri ...

  10. Chow Line: Latino food pyramid good guide to health (for 5/20/07)

    May 11, 2007 I've heard about a new diet pyramid specifically for Latinos. Is it very different from the official diet pyramid? The new pyramid does look different from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's "MyPyramid" system, which was ...
