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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Local Leadership Group Meeting

    Local Leadership Group Meeting- November 23 from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Gehres Room) Purpose of meeting: Many Ohio Extension professionals across the state run or are involved in local leadership programs. ...

  2. Office Closed (President's Day Observed)


  3. Happy Thanksgining- Office Closed


  4. Veterans Day- Office Closed


  5. Land As Your Legacy

    This free seminar is for all landowners that are interested in learning how to best preserve the land and farm they cherish. ...

  6. Pesticide Application Recertification NO Technology Session. No PowerPoint, NO Videos, etc.

    Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 *Please call the Wayne County Extension Office to pre-register There is a $35.00 fee paid at the training site you attend. You must also send the $30.00 fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers your ...

  7. Fertilizer Application Certification Training

    **Fertilizer Application Certification is a new 2 hour training for current holders of a Pesticide Applicator License. Not everyone will need this training. If attending, packing your own lunch is recommended due to time constraints. *Please call the Wayn ...

  8. Pesticide Application Recertification

    Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 *Please call the Wayne County Extension Office to pre-register There is a $35.00 fee paid at the training site you attend. You must also send the $30.00 fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers your ...

  9. Pesticide Application Recertification

    Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 *Please call the Holmes County Extension Office to pre-register There is a $35.00 fee paid at the training site you attend. You must also send the $30.00 fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers you ...

  10. Fertilizer Application Certification Training

    **Fertilizer Application Certification is a new 2 hour training for current holders of a Pesticide Applicator License. Not everyone will need this training. If attending, packing your own lunch is recommended due to time constraints. *Please call the Holm ...
