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Joint CARET/AHS Summer Meeting
State Extension Advisory Committee Meeting
Scarlet and Gray Breakfast and Scholarship Fundraiser
OARDC Advisory Committee Meeting
Joint CARET/AHS Meeting
CFAES Research and Extension Luncheon
OARDC and State Extension Advisory Committee meeting
STEM Pathways
STEM Pathways programs in science, technology, engineering and math improve participants' curiosity, logical thinking, problem-solving, and team communication- workforce skills necessary to compete in a high-tech global society. http://www.stempathwa ...
Transportation Policy – Use of State Vehicles
1. Vehicles are for official Extension business only. a. Exceptions to this must be approved in writing ahead of time by the vice president of the Office of Business and Finance. A justification and personal vehicle use form must be submitted to the CFAES ...
Subpoena and Court Appearances
As an expert (paid) witness for one side or the other in a court case, you move away from the role Extension has of providing unbiased information. If an attorney representing one side or the other wants to subpoena you as a FACT witness, you then of cour ...