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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Office Closed: Extension Conference


  2. CARTEENS Class

    Check in from 6PM- 6:29PM. Class starts promptly at 6:30PM. Those not checked in and seated before 6:30PM will be counted as absent and will not receive any court attendance credit. The youth and parent/guardian must be present to check-in.  Participants ...

  3. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education  website Steps to take before ...

  4. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education  website Steps to take before ...

  5. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education  website Steps to take before ...

  6. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education  website Steps to take before ...

  7. Horticulture Events and Programs

    Click here  for PDF file ...

  8. Student Loan Debt

    Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education StudentAi ...

  9. Home Buyer Education

    OSU Extension, Franklin County offers homebuyer education workshop series designed to assist prospective home buyers in achieving their dream of owning a home and building a better future for their families. Our program is one of few in Central Ohio that ...

  10. Money Management

    Money Management If your credit score is less than 640  and/or any of the following apply to you, we recommend registering for our free Money Management workshop. If your credit score is greater than 640, we recommend registering for Home Buyer Education. ...
