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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Livestock Judging Team Begins 2015 Season

    The team competed in the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado, and at the Dixie National in Jackson, Mississippi. ...

  2. Dairy Judging at Ft. Worth Stock Show

    The Ohio State University dairy judging team competed in the Ft. Worth Stock Show contest on Sunday, January 18 in Texas. ...

  3. Greece Study Abroad

    A Human and Animal Interactions study abroad took place in Greece December 27, 2014-January 9, 2015. If you did not follow them on Facebook during the trip, you can still visit the Animal Sciences Facebook page to see photos of the group’s adventures. ...

  4. In the News

    Link to articles about Dr. Monique Pairis-Garcia, "new" alumnus Dr. Bruce Marhefka, Dr. Michael Cressman, Rachel Fladung, and David Minich. ...

  5. Spring Break Science Camp

    Spring Break Science Camp- Fun With Physics   We will study about force, motion, surface tension, electricity and more by doing lots of neat experiments.   All sessions run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will be held at the Ashland County Extension Office, 17 ...

  6. 4-H Camp Counselor Training- CANCELLED FOR TODAY DUE TO WEATHER!


  7. Public Speaking and 4-H

    It is no secret that most people have a great fear of public speaking.  Most people would say verbal communication skills are an important part of our daily lives.  I use public speaking skills each day at work when I am on the phone with a donor, talking ...

  8. 2015 Ohio Beef Expo ...

  9. 2015 OARDC Annual Research Conference

    Abstract submission: March 9, 2015. Posters due March 16. April 6  5:00 pm- Deadline for Conference Registration  (web-based registration) ...

  10. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share opinions about changes in your community.  Learn more about how Ohio State University Extension can help at ...
