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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Wheat Planting Delays Raise Winter Worries

    October 25, 2006 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Wet conditions and a slow soybean harvest continue to delay wheat planting throughout Ohio, raising concerns that the coming winter could have an impact on a crop struggling to get established. According to the Ohio Agricu ...

  2. Survey Explores Farmers' Opinions of 2007 Farm Bill

    October 26, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio farmers may have varied opinions regarding polices and issues surrounding the 2007 Farm Bill, but they agree that the continuation of farm programs is important to their overall financial stability, according to an O ...

  3. Prepare Your Farm's Future with OSU Extension Planning Workshops

    October 27, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Whether it's managing the day-to-day operations of a farm or looking ahead to retirement or transition, planning for the success of an agricultural business can be a complex, challenging task that many are reluctant ...

  4. OSU Nursery Short Course Changes to Benefit CENTS Attendees

    November 2, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The Ohio State University Nursery Short Course, held in conjunction with the Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show (CENTS), is changing its hours and schedule format for the 2007 event, so attendees can enjoy both prog ...

  5. Agricultural Economics Outlook Meetings Set

    November 6, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio State University's Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE) is once again holding its Fall 2006/Winter 2007 Policy and Outlook Program. The program features a regular series of ...

  6. Value-Added Investments Highlight Heartland Agdeavor Meeting

    November 14, 2006 WALDO, Ohio-- With value-added investments becoming an integral part of small ag businesses, it takes the right mix of economic, legal and financial advice to ensure their success. Heartland Agdeavor Association, a non-profit corporation ...

  7. Summit Launches Renewable Energy Focus in Ohio

    November 16, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The vision of a renewable energy-supported Ohio is coming closer to reality with an energy summit on Nov. 20 that launches a state initiative to work towards a more sustainable energy future. Ohio State University Extens ...

  8. Wise Management Eases Problems When Weather Holds Up Harvest

    November 20, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- There may be little corn growers can do now to speed up harvest or alleviate lodging problems, but they can take steps next growing season to potentially avoid problems associated with cool, wet fall weather. Peter Thomi ...

  9. Ohio Community Standing Tall with Successful Treecare Program

    December 4, 2006 BUCYRUS, Ohio-- Street trees, those often planted between neighborhood sidewalks and city streets, can be an invaluable natural resource for a community. They improve aesthetics, increase property values, provide a habitat for wildlife an ...

  10. No-Till, Controlled Traffic: A Winning Combo for Harvest Woes

    December 7, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The most ideal solution to production problems associated with a wet harvest is to practice continuous no-till, with the added benefit of adopting controlled traffic. Randall Reeder, an Ohio State University Extension agr ...
