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Ohio State Webinar Will Explain Ag Zoning, Building Codes, Regulation Issues
Whether they’re building a barn or adding agritourism to the family farm operations, landowners often have questions on what is subject to regulation, said an agricultural law expert with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at Th ...
Cover Crops After Corn Silage Harvest
A lot of corn was chopped for corn silage last week and harvest continues this week. We are about a month ahead of last year’s corn silage harvest and this year’s earlier harvest provides an opportunity to get cover crops established on those acres. Ear ...
Junior Fair Board Convention
Cover Crops for Prevented Acres
Submitted by Allan Sundermeier. Excessive rainfall and prolonged ponding conditions this spring have resulted in many fields remaining unplanted to corn or soybeans this season. These “prevented planting” acres, while unfortunate for this year’s productio ...
Precautions for Harvesting Forages After a Frost
Several forage species can be extremely toxic soon after a frost because they contain compounds called cyanogenic glucosides that are converted quickly to prussic acid (i.e. hydrogen cyanide) in freeze-damaged plant tissues. Others species have an increas ...
Higher western bean cutworm feeding may lead to mycotoxins
Although western bean cutworm (WBC) flight counts have been relatively stable compared to last year, several growers and extension educators have sent in pictures of western bean cutworm infestations and damage in corn. Obviously it is much too late to do ...
Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode – It’s time!
This year’s early harvest provides the perfect opportunity to take a look at the SCN populations in your fields. We know that the state is now “polluted” with SCN, fortunately most of those fields are at very low levels – which is where they should be ke ...
Webinar Focuses on Funding Long-Term Care for Farm Families
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The rising costs of nursing home care may impact farm families harder than others due to farm assets that may limit or prevent a family member from qualifying for Medicaid, according to by an agricultural law expert with the College of Fo ...