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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Organic Livestock and Poultry Health Series: CSI for Dairy: On-Farm Audits to Assess Risk

    CSI for Dairy: On-Farm Audits to Assess Risk ...

  2. CD Wire- May 12, 2014

    Mission Statement: ...

  3. The Art and Science of Facilitation Workshop

    The Art and Science of Facilitation- October 30: Rose Fisher Merkowitz and Treva Williams, OSU Extension educators, are facilitating this workshop on October 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at The Ohio State University, Room 109 of the Agricultural Adminis ...

  4. Update on mineral nutrition of dairy cows: webinar

    Hoard's Dairyman webinar. Presented by Dr. Bill Weiss. ...

  5. CD Wire- April 28, 2014

    Mission Statement: ...

  6. Completed Projects

    Sustainable Comprehensive Land Use Plan This program uses the Sustainable Communities Program as its base to produce a land use plan for the community. Community leaders and professionals work in teams to create the various sections of the plan. Geographi ...

  7. Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) and how it relates to moving animals from 1 state to another

    Who should attend? Anyone that transports livestock across state lines, or has their own livestock. ...

  8. One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health- Protecting People and Planet

    Keynote presentation by Dr. Lonnie King. Dr. Tony Forshey will be moderator. Panel of experts and leaders includes Dr. Barbara Wolfe and Dr. Ron Kensinger. ...

  9. CD Wire- April 14, 2014

    Mission Statement: ...

  10. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1952-1959

      1952 H.O. Frederick* Dairy farmer; Dentist A dentist and dairyman who has served his profession and dairying for fifty years. Active in support of tuberculosis and brucellosis eradication programs. For many years he held offices including directorship i ...
