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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. New to LibertyLink Soybean?- Here's your Primer

    LibertyLink soybeans are finally starting to get the use in Ohio that they deserve.  Use of the LibertyLink system accomplishes several things- resolving current herbicide-resistant weed problems and reducing the emphasis on glyphosate use that continues ...

  2. Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure

    Research on applying liquid livestock manure as a spring top-dress fertilizer to wheat has been ongoing in Ohio for several years. There is usually a window of time, typically around the last week of March or the first week of April, when fields are firm ...

  3. Spring Weather Forecast

    March is here and there is no change to what we have been expecting. It is shaping up to be an earlier than normal planting season. March will be much warmer than normal thanks to El Nino. Temperatures will average 5F+ above normal for much of the month. ...

  4. 2016-05


  5. BioEnergy Workshop

    Join us April 9th for a Bioenergy workshop hosted at Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4H Center in Columbus Click the link below to see more details, if interested please contact Sarah Strausbaugh for registration. Agenda   ...

  6. Eight ACEL Students named to CFAES Ambassador Team

    Eight students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership were named as ambassadors for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.  CFAES Ambassadors are a team of 20 to 30 students, selected through a ...

  7. Aquaponics Workshop

    Are you new to aquaponics or an experienced grower? If so, this workshop is for you. Learn about the different aquaponics methods, aquaponics food production, business aspects and marketing strategies, how to handle and maintain your fish and plants, and ...

  8. Aquaculture Marketing & Processing Workshop

    Are you a fish producer or thinking about growing fish or starting an aquaponics business? If so, this workshop is for you. Learn how to sell what you produce and develop marketing strategies that are the right fit for your business. Sessions will be taug ...

  9. Food: Get It Fresh & Preserve for Later

    Greene County Master Gardeners invite you to join us on Saturday, April 16th from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm at the Greene County OSU Extension Office, 100 Fairground Rd. Xenia, Oh 45385 to learn about the movement to buy local while learning how to extend the har ...

  10. There’s an App for Nutrient Management Record Keeping

    Ohio Nutrient Management Record Keeper (ONMRK) is a computerized recordkeeping system that syncs with your smartphone or tablet to create a simple, easy, and quick way to record all of your fertilizer and manure applications from the field. The free app w ...
