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Controlling marestail in wheat stubble
The month after wheat harvest provides an opportunity to control marestail and prevent further increase in the soil seedbank, but coming up with the right strategy has not necessarily been easy. Keep in mind that the primary goal of marestail control her ...
Developing a Plan to Keep Nutrients in the Field
Nutrient Management Plans provide both fertility recommendations for crop production and an environmental site risk for on a field by field basis that help identify resource concerns impacting nutrient and sediment loss. The process helps identify fields ...
Heat Unit Accumulation and Corn Emergence
There have been reports of slow corn emergence in some areas and that corn planted more than three weeks ago is not yet emerging. Is this cause for concern? Not necessarily. Corn requires about 100 growing degrees days (GDDs) to emerge (emergence requirem ...
Farm Science Review Agronomy College- London Ohio
Registration for the Agronomy College is $120 per participant. For complete event details and to register, visit or contact Margo Long at 614-326-7520 or Registration will start at 8:30 a.m. the day of the event, whi ...
Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Field Day-Crawford County
Modified Relay Intercrop Field Day-Crawford County
Planting and Pollinators
Beekeepers in Ohio benefitted from the generally mild winter of 2015-2016. In Columbus we lost less than 20% of our colonies over winter. Spring is the only reliably good season for bees in Ohio. Colonies that survived the winter and new colonies broug ...
Announcement of Spring/Summer Field Day Dates
Currently 24 field days on a variety of topics are being planned by Agriculture and Natural Resource staff starting June 1 through the fall with locations throughout the state. A complete calendar of dates can be found at F ...
Crop Biostimulants and Biofertilizers
There is a growing interest in the use of biostimulants and biofertilizers in crop production including agronomic, vegetable, fruit and ornamental horticulture crops. Matt Kleinhenz, OSU Extension Vegetable Production specialist, and some of hi ...