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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. West Ohio Agronomy Day (January 11) & Evening (January 19)

    The evening portion of the 2016 West Ohio Agronomy Day will be held on Tuesday, January 19th at the Days Inn (SR 47 & I-75) in Sidney.  This program will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a light supper and a marketing update from Trupointe and Cargill personne ...

  2. Super-Berry School


  3. Improving Yields through Fertility Agronomy Day

    Soil fertility is crucial to maximize yield potential when growing crops. Economic and environmental considerations are also a key aspect to fertility management. With the knowledge to do so, farmers can set up fields to maximize profits while minimizing ...

  4. Dining with Diabetes

    Upcoming Dining with Diabetes Programs: Spring- April 18th, April 25th, and May 2nd.. Spring-- Click here for registration information.    "Dining with Diabetes" is a program designed for people with diabetes and their family members. This class ...

  5. "Cloverbot Challenge"

    Cloverbot Challenge The Cloverbot Challenge is a really great opportunity for Cloverbuds to get more involved with the 4-H program. Cloverbuds form teams in their club or throughout the county, learn about this year’s topic, Fabulous Food, and then bring ...

  6. Digital Weed Identification Resources from OSU

    OSU has developed several digital books that are available for multiple platforms, via iTunes or GooglePlay.  Descriptions and links follow – all are currently less than $10.  The links can also be found under the “Weed ID” tab on our website – ...

  7. Status of Palmer amaranth in Ohio

    Palmer amaranth has to date been found in about 11 Ohio counties.  Infestations within a county can range from one or more fields or other areas with just a few plants or patches of plants, to the presence of one or more fields with dense populations.  Th ...

  8. 2016-04


  9. "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference March 11-12

    To help established meat goat producers and others who want to delve into meat goat production, we have an excellent “Meat Goat Management” workshop  set up for Friday, March 11 from 1-5 p.m. at the Wilmington College Academic Farm, 1590 Fife Ave. in Wilm ...

  10. "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference March 11-12

    To help established meat goat producers and others who want to delve into meat goat production, we have an excellent “Meat Goat Management” workshop  set up for Friday, March 11 from 1-5 p.m. at the Wilmington College Academic Farm, 1590 Fife Ave. in Wilm ...
