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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Managing "Pollen Drift" to Minimize Contamination of Non-GMO Corn

    Author:  Peter Thomison Summarized by:  Cindy Meyer In the last C.O.R.N newsletter (, Edition 4) Peter Thomison addresses the concerns of cross-pollination of non-genetically modified organism (GMO) corn with nearby GMO corn.  This is of great ...

  2. Going Against the Grain- Grain Safety Training Program

    Going Against the Grain Flyer ...

  3. PetPALS Preparing Pets

    Objectives: Learn the importance of feeding their pets a high quality diet. Understand the importance of grooming their pets prior to visiting. Learn the steps involved in grooming their animals. Recognize signs of sickness in their pets. Recognize when t ...

  4. Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

    Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop Flyer ...

  5. Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

    Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop Flyer ...

  6. Information Links

    Links to food knowledge, savings, consumer information, preparation and additional resources. Healthy Eating on a Budget What's Cooking? USDA Mixing Bowl Spark People: Sparking People to Live Healthier, Happier Lives Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic ...

  7. Public Speaking and 4-H

    It is no secret that most people have a great fear of public speaking.  Most people would say verbal communication skills are an important part of our daily lives.  I use public speaking skills each day at work when I am on the phone with a donor, talking ...

  8. State 4-H Horse Communications Contest- Team Presentation

    Event Schedule Registration Information: Registration must be postmarked by Feb 15 and will not be accepted after Feb 15th.  Check-in will be at 8:00am in the Animal Science Bldg. lobby. Contest will begin at 9:00am.  Please park behind the Animal Science ...

  9. Scholarships


  10. History & Mission

