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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa

    Although populations of potato leafhopper on alfalfa have been somewhat low in June, a few locations are reporting growing numbers.  Second cut has happened or is happening in many locations.  But if alfalfa is more than 7 days from a cut, a rule of thumb ...

  2. Two-spotted Spider Mite Awareness

    Though we have not received many reports of spider mites in field crops, continued hot dry weather will favor this pest, and scouts should keep their eyes open for mites and their stippling damage.  We will provide a more comprehensive article later in th ...

  3. 2016-18


  4. Registration Now Open for July 12 Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    Registration is now open for the July 12 Western Ohio Precision Agriculture Day hosted by Ohio State University Extension. Focusing on precision placement opportunities, the daylong workshop is a chance for growers to learn more about nutrients and water ...

  5. Five Tips to Reduce Spray Drift

    Due to concerns for production costs, safety, and the environment, it is important to maximize the pesticide deposit on the target. One of the major problems challenging pesticide applicators is spray drift, which is defined as movement of pesticides by w ...

  6. Western Bean Cutworm Trapping Should Begin Soon

    Western bean cutworm (WBC) is an ear-feeder of corn, but the adults begin to emerge in late June.  The number of adults caught in traps give us an indication of when to scout for eggs (note: it is NOT a measurement of economic threshold).  Usually peak fl ...

  7. Rootless and Floppy Corn

    Following last week’s storms I received several reports of “rootless” and “floppy corn”. The problem was evident in several fields at the OSU Western Agricultural Research Farm at S. Charleston (photo). Rootless corn (or rootless corn syndrome) occurs whe ...

  8. Warmer and Drier will be the trend for the rest of the growing season

    The overall trend, as we discussed earlier this year, was expected to be toward warmer and drier weather and this has been occurring. Spring is in the books and it went down as warmer temperatures and near normal rainfall for Ohio as seen in the attached ...

  9. Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw

    Wheat harvest will soon be underway; we often get questions about the nutrient value of straw.  The nutrient value of wheat straw is influenced by several factors including weather, variety, and cultural practices.  Thus, the most accurate values require ...

  10. 2016-17

