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Duty Area A:
CSA Grower/Manager DUTY/TASK LIST Duty Area A: Develop business plan 1 Develop business plan 2 Develop marketing plan 5 Maintain website 6 Prepare flyer and brochures 7 Identify funding mechanisms (e.g., loans, member-ships, grants) 8 Conduct outreach a ...
Pickling Cucumbers
Pickling Cucumbers Objectives(s) of Pickling Cucumber Research and Education: This research explores and identifies new pickling cucumber cultivar and variety releases and production practices for their suitability, marketability, growth and production ...
Ornamental Corn
Ornamental Corn Objectives(s) of Ornamental Corn research and education: This research explores and identifies new ornamental corn cultivar and variety releases and production practices for their suitability, marketability, growth and production chara ...
Awards, Trips & Scholarships
Older Youth Opportunities Submit Your Older Youth Response Form Online Here!! (Response Forms are due December 1, 2014! If you have questions or need assistance, let Leslie know!) Or you can print out the response form & mail it in by using the Printe ...
Awards, Trips & Scholarships
Older Youth Opportunities — filed under: Fairfield County Your Older Youth Response Forms are due in the OSU Extension office December 1, 2014! If you have questions or need assistance, let Leslie know! Or you can print out the response form & mail ...
Other Vegetables
Other Vegetables Objectives(s) of other vegetable Research and Education: Planned Scope of Research: Potential outcomes & significance of outcomes: Bell Pepper varities include: Revolution, Alliance, Wahoo, Declaration, Aerostole, ...
OSU Spring Break
OSU Spring Break- no classes ...
Tip #4- Introductions & Etiquette
Tip #4- Introductions and Etiquette at Expo Have you practiced your greeting yet? Spend some time practicing your introductions with your roommates and friends. ...
Ohio 4-H Achievement Form Workshop
To assist 4-Hers who are completing the Ohio Achievement Form (14-18 as of January 1, 2015) Bring old or already started achievement forms with you! ...
Junior 4-H Achievement Form Workshop
For youth 13 and under (1/1/15) to assist in completing the Junior Achievement Form ...