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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 2015 4-H Values Overseas: England/Ireland/Wales

    "I now know what to expect when I will be going out of the country, and I hope to do it again soon." "I have learned a lot through traveling and would definitely recommend it to others." "My horizons have been broadened and I am m ...

  2. 4-H Values Overseas

    Annual 4-H travel abroad opportunity open to Holmes, Wayne & Coshocton County youth, freshman thru one year post graduation age. 2015 England/Ireland/Wales 2016 China For more information contact Hallie Rutt, OSUE Holmes Co 4-H Educator at (330) 674-3 ...

  3. Dining with Diabetes-Beyond the Kitchen

    Dining with Diabetes Beyond the Kitchen is a free online course created by OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences. The course is self-paced and easy to sign is easy! FCS in Greene County offers a hands-on class three class series that offers cooking d ...

  4. 2016 OSU Extension Greene County Master Gardener Fall Plant Sale

    The OSU Extension Greene County Master Gardeners Fall Plant sale will be held at Wartinger Park's Heritage Days (3080 Kemp Rd. Beavercreek, Oh) on Saturday, September 17 from 9:00 am – Noon.  Come early for the best selections.  Items for sale will b ...

  5. CD Wire- August 22, 2016

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: Factsheet Update Update Thank you to everyone who has reviewed the factsheet listing and indicated their preferences. Based on ...

  6. 83rd Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop

    A full day of hands-on diagnostic samples, walks, and updates. If you want to learn, teach, and catharse about landscape, treescape, nursery, and greenhouse plant health problems, from beetles to blights to botany sign up now! Co-sponsored by Secrest Arbo ...

  7. Introducing CFAES Connect!

    Welcome to the first edition of CFAES Connect, the e-newsletter for alumni and friends of The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. This is a new way to stay up to date on our alumni activities and news in our col ...

  8. McPheron Named Interim Provost, Hendrick Named Acting Dean

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences begins temporary leadership changes when its vice president for agricultural administration and dean, Dr. Bruce A. McPheron, becomes interim executive vice president and provost of The Ohio Sta ...

  9. Archive


  10. CFAES Facilities

    A college of our size and scope needs up-to-date classrooms, and not just the brick-and-mortar variety. Facilities Home Multimedia ...
