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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. It's a wrap: FilmFest 4-H

    FilmFest 4-H, the national 4-H film festival was held in St. Louis this past summer and two Ohio 4-H filmmakers were recognized with awards. Emmy Beck-Aden from Athens County received first place honors in the “Voices of 4-H History” category for “ Genera ...

  2. 4-H Youth Cooking Up a New Collaboration

    A new Ohio 4-H initiative is connecting youth with an OSU Extension Signature program. Adding a Youth Flavor to Extension’s Signature Programs leverages peer education to increase awareness and interest in local foods among Ohio youth through 4-H teen lea ...

  3. Campus Campaign 2016: Connecting the dots!

    Thank You for Participating in Campus Campaign 2016. Connecting the dots was the theme of The Ohio State University campus campaign, which ended May 2. Final participation figures can be found here.   Appreciation Event Photos Week 8 Featured Funds Campai ...

  4. Fall Scholarship Dinner 2014

    A record 350 people gathered for live music, great food and valued company at the 2014 Fall Scholarship Dinner. The Ohio Union’s Archie M. Griffin Ballroom looked like a campsite in the woods, complete with fireside stories about scholarship, tent, kayak, ...

  5. Dean's Spring Dinner 2015

    The Ohio State University Airport at Don Scott Field served as a scenic backdrop for the 2015 Dean’s Spring Dinner. Nearly 200 guests filled a decorated airport hangar to celebrate the college’s non-scholarship donors, whose support benefits faculty, teac ...

  6. 4-H Activity Fee Scholarship Applications Due


  7. Excellence in 4-H Award Interviews


  8. Junior Fair Board Post-Fair Wrap Up Meeting & Party


  9. Coronation Interviews for Jr. Fair Royalty


  10. Horse Fun Show Rain Make Up Date (If Needed)

