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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Agronomy Programming-January, 2014

    A wide range of agronomy programing will be offered across the state in the January through March time period. We hope you take advantage of several of these programs in 2014. For a complete list and any new additions see our calendar page at: https://agc ...

  2. Nominate Now your CCA of the Year

    Who is a CCA? The Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) program is the largest, most recognized agriculturally-oriented certification program in North America. This program’s professional standards are widely respected by industry, academia, and government and are ...

  3. Additional Projects

    Native Warm Season Perennial Grass Bioenergy Experiment 1999 Experimental design: Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five levels of nitrogen, three management strategies (number of treatment combination fifteen), number of replication four, and ...

  4. Organic Agriculture

    Organic Agriculture Ceres Trust- Maximizing ecosystem services of the soil food web in organic farming systems The Ceres project is a two year project for the years 2013 and 2014.  In this project we are looking at several different criteria including ear ...

  5. BioEnergy Materials

    DOE/NorthEast Sun Grant-Growing perennial grasses for biofuels on marginal land amended with municipal waste biosolids and flue gas desulfurization gypsum This grant was started in 2010 and is currently in its final stages of completion.  For this grant w ...

  6. Horse PAS Show

    Registration at 8am with show starting at 9am. Pony measurements will be from 8 to 9 am. Vaccinations will be available from 2 to 4 pm for $25. Please see the Showbill for full details. ...

  7. 2015 Manure Science Review

    Please consult the flyer for full details and a registration form. ...

  8. Innovative Approaches to Managing Drainage Ditches Can Save Growers Time, Money and Better Benefit Waterways, Ohio State Experts Say

    ADA, Ohio – Innovative approaches to ditch management could save Ohio crop growers time and money while at the same time reducing the flow of phosphorus and nitrogen through ditches that eventually end up in stream water, rivers and ultimately in Lake Eri ...

  9. A Super Time for Super Berries

    By: Gary Gao, PhD, Small Fruit Extension Specialist and Associate Professor    If you do a Google search for “super berries,” a few plants will come up.  Some of the uncommon ones could be Aronia berries, Chinese goji berries and elderberries, while commo ...

  10. Is the Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC)Program Over?

    By: Estefania James, MS, Program Assistant   The Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and Development at The Ohio State University South Centers has recently received many phone calls and emails requesting information how to register for the aquaculture b ...
