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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Junior Leaders Meeting

    This will be our organizational meeting for the new year!  All 4-H youth 13 and older (or those turning 13 by January 1, 2016) are welcome to join Junior Leaders.  This is a fun organization for 4-H teens to get together and learn more about leadership an ...

  2. Jr. Fair Livestock Buyer Thank You Notes Due

    BUYER THANK-YOU Exhibitors selling their animal(s) at the Junior Fair livestock sales MUST send a “Thank you” note to the buyer(s).  This thank-you note is to be delivered to the Extension Office in a stamped, sealed and completely addressed envelope begi ...

  3. 1st Annual Meat Judging Coaches Clinic

    Please join Dr. Lyda Garcia, Assistant Professor, Meat Science, to learn about meat judging opportunities.  Dr. Garcia would be thrilled to work with 4-H professionals and volunteers interested in all aspects of meat science. Please click HERE for the fly ...

  4. November 12 4HOnline Training

    Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2nd Floor 9:00am- 3:30pm    First Name * Last Name * E-mail Address * County *- Select- Adams Allen Ashland Ashtabula Athens Auglaize Belmont Brown Butler Carroll Champaign Clark Clermont Clinton Columbiana Co ...

  5. OSU Team

    OSU Team The OSU Extension in the City team includes OSU Extension represenatives from all OSU Extension program areas and all of Ohio's large cities.  The team engages people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based education ...

  6. National Urban Extension Leaders

    National Urban Extension Leaders- Resources  ...

  7. Pre-Fair Message to 2015 4-H/FFA Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors

    Dear Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors, Thank you to everyone that attended the Pre-Fair Informational Meeting last night.  As promised, here is a re-cap below of the items discussed last night as well as the committee's decisions regarding Tack Ins ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Horse Program Recognition Banquet

      Location: Bob Evans Memorial Auditorium, The Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Address: 2201 Fred Taylor Dr, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Registration Information: All ticket requests must be postmarked by  January,10.  ABSOLUTELY NO registrations ...

  9. Two Warren County Teens Take 2nd at the 2014 Film Fest 4-H

    Ohio 4-H members Eric Glaze and Ben Sanders took second place honors in August at the 2014  FilmFest 4-H, the National 4-H Film Festival held in St. Louis. Eric (left) and Ben (right), members of the Pathfinders 4-H Club in Warren County, entered their sh ...

  10. Dean's Spring Dinner 2014

    The port of call was The Ohio State University when the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences welcomed a record 220 guests to the 2014 Dean’s Spring Dinner. From a waterfront-themed stage on a replica dock with palm trees and steel dru ...
