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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. "R&D Concentration in Soybean and Cotton Markets"

    Analysis of concentration in R&D development in the GM soybean and cotton sectors, co-authored with Benjamin Anderson (Colgate University). Ian Sheldon Journal article Sunday, January 14, 2024 RIOs11151-023-09937-7.pdf Andersons Program in Internation ...

  2. Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses


  3. NowHiring: Hamilton County SNAP-Ed Program Assistant


  4. Now Hiring: Greene County SNAP-Ed Program Assistant


  5. Seminal Readings in Applied Economics

    AEDECON 8103 This course introduces students to seminal readings in the fields of Agricultural, Environmental, Development and Regional Economics. Students are introduced to a set of seminal readings in each field and are introduced to the critical skills ...

  6. Beginner's Guide to Grant Writing

    OSU Extension Community Development Hosts Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing Course The 2-day Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing Course covers what to do before you write a grant; organizational mission and structure; components of a grant proposal; finding ...

  7. Previous Agricultural Outlook and Policy Conferences

    Below is the archived information of previously held conferences by AEDE. Session recordings from our previous year's conference and county outlook meetings can be accessed below. 2020 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Winter 2021 AEDE and O ...

  8. Join Master Gardeners Information

    Thank you for your interest in joining the Seneca County Master Gardener Volunteers. The 2025 intern class will be held in a hybrid format- the coursework will be online, and the labs will be in-person and hands-on. Completing the course work (approximate ...

  9. PhD Research Seminar

    AEDECON 8895 PhD Students presenting and discussing research in agricultural, environmental, and development economics under the guidance of an instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded S/U. Graduate 1.0 889 ...

  10. Energy, the Environment, and the Economy

    AEDECON 4320 Understand the role of energy in the economy and the environment. Explore the economics of clean, renewable energy, and understand the different policies for pollution control. Prereq: 2001 (200), Econ 2001.01, 2001.02, or 2001.03 (200). Not ...
