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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. New development staff for Wooster campus

    The college recently added two staff members to support development efforts for the Wooster campus. Dawn Hammer Tabata was named senior director of development for CFAES in September, 2014. Based in Columbus, she is responsible for major gifts fundraising ...

  2. Partnership with K&S Millwrights yields new grain storage for Ohio State ATI

    Animals need grain, and grain needs a place to be stored. At Ohio State ATI’s Grace Drake Learning Laboratory (GDLL), the need became especially pressing when one of its two grain bins developed structural problems. Located downhill from one of Ohio State ...

  3. Alumnus named to crops manager position

    Scott Ruck is Ohio State ATI's new crops manager. Scott is a 2011 graduate of the Ohio State ATI agronomy program, CFAES Department of Horticulture and Crop Sciences with an agronomy focus.  Scott was previously  employed by Shearer Equipment in Woos ...

  4. Ohio State ATI grad shooting for Rio in 2016

    Before the autumn semester of 2013, Ohio State ATI graduate and animal sciences major Katiann Scherer hadn’t played a minute of team handball in her life. But thanks to an intramural sports experience at Ohio State University, she is now working to earn a ...

  5. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  6. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  7. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  8. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  9. The Art & Science of Facilitation- Training Workshop

    ‘The Art & Science of Facilitation’ Training – December 2 & 3: This two-day workshop with be held on December 2 and 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Gehres Room at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on OSU's Columbus campus. This tr ...

  10. Coshocton County Fair

    2015 Coshocton County Fair- October 2-8, 2015   ...
