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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-08

    Strip Intercropping Corn and Soybean Peter Thomison Strip intercropping corn and soybean usually involves growing the two crops  in narrow, adjacent strips within a field during the same growing season. ...

  2. Do you operate an on-farm grain storage and handling system?

    Ohio farmers are invited to participate in a statewide survey regarding their on-farm grain bin storage facilities. It doesn't matter if the bins are ‘owned’ or ‘managed’ by the producer; hazards exist on all types of bin systems regardless of owners ...

  3. Ohio Farm Custom Rate Survey 2016

    A large number of Ohio farmers hire machinery operations and other farm related work to be completed by others. This is often due to lack of proper equipment, lack of time or lack of expertise for a particular operation.  Many farm business owners do not ...

  4. Keep the sugar for your coffee and your cookies

    While we are interested in improving yield of Ohio crops, we also are reluctant to recommend practices that cost time and money and are not likely to be of assistance. From several on-farm trials conducted by OSU Extension professionals over the years, we ...

  5. 2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    Looking for ways to maximize soybean yield and profit?  Attend one of the 2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshops offered by The Ohio State University Extension.  This workshop will be hands on and open to producers and agricultural professionals ...

  6. Nutrient Management Plan Development Workshop Announced

    Nutrient management plans developed to meet Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) EQUIP program criteria can be developed by Certified Crop Advisors in the State of Ohio as a service to their farm clientele. Nutrient management plans take soil fert ...

  7. Who and How of Agriculture Fertilizer Applicator Certification in Ohio?

    Ohio State University Extension’s Agriculture and Natural Resources is hosting multiple meetings for those who need to meet state requirements for the Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification program through the Ohio Department of Agriculture. A c ...

  8. Family Fishing Day

    The Hardin County Family YMCA and the Ohio Department of Wildlife are sponsoring a Family Fishing Day Saturday 06/04/2016 10:00 A.M – 1:00 P.M. Boy Scout Lake Hardin County Veterans Memorial Park   15906 St. Rt. 309 Kenton, Ohio 43326  Giveaways for child ...

  9. The Latest Weather Outlook

    There are no changes to the weather and climate outlook. We expect a rain system March 23-24 with rainfall generally under 1 inch. Another system will pass through about March 27-28 with another 1 inch or less as weather systems remain rather progresssive ...

  10. Soybean Cyst Nematode CAN be Done in the Spring

    These fluctuating temperatures that we have had this spring where we go from snow days to short days provides some opportunities to get the crews out and enjoy some nice weather.  Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode is fine to do in the spring, especially ...
