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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. 2016-14


  2. Let It Grow, Let It Grow

    The weather continues to be favorable for the majority of the state as mainly dry conditions prevail.  While heat continues early this week, cooler and moister conditions are expected in the coming days and beyond.  With the majority of planting completed ...

  3. SE Ohio Hay Day, Noble County


  4. Precision Ag Field Day-Miami Co.

    The day will begin at the Covington Eagles, 715 East Broadway Street, Covington OH 45318 and will then be continued on a local farm. ...

  5. Nutrient Management Field Day-Wood County

    A Field Day event that include field demonstrations and research updates. The program meets the requirements to receive Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification in the state of Ohio. Nitrogen Seasonal tracking NO3 and NH4, Pre side dress N test Us ...

  6. Deadline to Order Chicken Peeps

    Order your Chicken peeps online through our bulk order. Each club or chapter should make one order, but we understand that there may be 4-H or FFA individuals that do not have an advisor to get together a bulk order. The chicken peeps will come in sets of ...

  7. Small Grain Field Day-Wood County

    The field day will focus on wheat production issues including Nitrogen and sulfur management, Disease identification and management and Determining minimum wheat stand requirements for a profitable yield. A wagon tour of small grain research will be part ...

  8. 4-H News and Notes: May 26, 2016

    Extension Office Assistant Applications Due May 29th, Feeder Calf ID Forms Due June 1st, Horse Forms Due June 1st, Swine Born and Raised Forms Due June 1st, Beginner Sewing Camp and Cloverbud Day Camp Registrations Due June 1st, Special Needs Camp Registr ...

  9. Deadline to Order Chicken Peeps

    Order your Chicken peeps online through our bulk order. Each club or chapter should make one order, but we understand that there may be 4-H or FFA individuals that do not have an advisor to get together a bulk order. The chicken peeps will come in sets of ...

  10. Microwave Method to Determine Forage Moisture Content

              A lot of cereal rye and hay fields have been mowed in the past week to 10 days and harvested as wrapped baleage or as silage.  A critical component to getting good fermentation on these forage products is baling or chopping for ensiling at the r ...
