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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Chow Line: Count up fat, calories for chicken with skin (for 2/28/10)

    February 19, 2010 I was at a friend's for dinner and she served chicken breast – with the skin on. It was tender and delicious, but I've always had skinless chicken breast because I thought the skin contained a lot of fat and calories. Is there ...

  2. Chow Line: Alternate-day fast not a proven diet (for 11/29/09)

    November 20, 2009 A friend is trying to lose weight by eating very little every other day. I don't think it's healthy, but she says it works. Is this kind of diet recommended? Only a few studies have been done on what's called "alterna ...

  3. Chow Line: Consumer use of food labels declines (for 10/19/08)

    October 10, 2008 I try to read Nutrition Facts labels when comparing foods, but a friend told me to pay more attention to ingredient lists. Really? Hmm. Actually, both the Nutrition Facts labels and the ingredient lists carry important information. But yo ...

  4. Chow Line: Coconut oil unlike other saturated fat (for 12/9/07)

    November 30, 2007 I've always read that you should avoid coconut oil because of its high level of saturated fat. But I recently heard it is actually healthful and can help you lose weight. Is that true? Most nutritionists don't believe consuming ...

  5. Chow Line: Clementines chock full of nutrition (for 12/23/07)

    December 14, 2007 I love those little clementine oranges. Do they have as much vitamin C as other oranges? Ounce for ounce, clementines are a great source of vitamin C. But since they're smaller than the average orange, you'll get less of any nu ...

  6. Chow Line: Choose healthful fast-food options (for the week of 6/8/08)

    May 30, 2008 As I chauffeur the kids to and from summer activities, I tend to eat more fast food than usual. Any tips to make my choices more healthful? Absolutely. Despite popular opinion, fast food doesn't always have to be high-fat, high-calorie a ...

  7. Chow Line: Choose berries for burst of nutrition (for 7/12/09)

    July 1, 2009 I love buying and eating fresh berries this time of year. Are there any that are more nutritious than others, or are they all just about the same? Any berry is a great choice as a snack, dessert, or to add to cereal, salad and other dishes. I ...

  8. Chow Line: Chewing the cud on grass-fed beef (for 3/28/10)

    March 19, 2010 We keep hearing good things about grass-fed beef. Is it really that much better for you? There's a compelling body of research showing that the ratio of heart-healthy fats in grass-fed beef is significantly higher than in grain-fed bee ...

  9. Chow Line: Carrots healthful, not 'full of sugar' (for 9/7/08)

    August 29, 2008 At lunchtime recently, several of my colleagues claimed that carrots are "full of sugar." Is that true? In a word, no. That myth gained popularity a few years back when carrots were branded as restricted foods in several popular ...

  10. Chow Line: Canning complex; try freezing instead (for 9/28/08)

    September 19, 2008 This year I was tempted to start home canning to try to stretch my garden harvest into the fall and winter. But whenever I read about canning, it seems very complicated. Any advice? If you don't have experience with home canning, y ...
