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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Regional PhD (Soil and Water Management) Programme at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA): Lessons and Challenges

    A special seminar will be presented by Abel K. Kaaya, Department of Soil Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, titled Regional PhD (Soil and Water Management) Programme at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA): Lessons and Challenges. Th ...

  2. Dr. Dennis Heldman Receives Carl R. Fellers Achievement Award

    Congratulations to Professor Denny Heldman who is this year’s winner of the Institute of Food Technologists Carl R. Fellers Achievement Award. He will be honored at the Chicago IFT meeting this June 2013. This award honors a member of IFT and Phi Tau Sigm ...

  3. CFAES Continues to produce employable graduates

    At the recent CFAES Career Expo, the employers were optimistic about finding recent grads for employment at their company. ...

  4. Bumper crop of jobs for ag-school graduates

    Interest in food — safety, availability, environmental impacts — is on the rise, and as a result, so is the demand for college graduates trained in food-, agricultural- and environmental-science disciplines in Ohio and nationwide. “Food is in the news,” s ...

  5. NEW! Your Pond Update

    It is not too early to start planning- pre-season considerations for managing Ohio ponds. ...

  6. The Current State of the Florida Everglades Ecosystem and its Ongoing Restoration

    A Graduate Defense Seminar by Darryl Marois, PhD Candidate in Ecological Restoration, who will present The Current State of the Florida Everglades Ecosystem and its Ongoing Restoration in 333C Kottman Hall. ...

  7. Harris Award Lecture


  8. Spotted Wing Drosophila Monitoring and Management Webinar

    Celeste Welty, Dept. of Entomology, State Specialist and Jim Jasinski, Dept. of Extension, IPM Program will be offering a 90 minute webinar on spotted wing Drosophila (SWD), a relatively new pest in Ohio that attacks blackberries, raspberries, blueberries ...

  9. 2015 Graduate Symposium

    The 2015 SENR Graduate Symposium will be held in 333 Kottman Hall. ...

  10. Analyzing Ohio State University’s Food Purchasing System: Opportunities for Change through the Real Food Challenge

    An Honors Thesis presentation will be made by Laura Kington (Jeff Sharp, advisor), titled Analyzing Ohio State University’s Food Purchasing System:  Opportunities for Change through the Real Food Challenge, in 370 Kottman Hall. ...
