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Take a Journey in the Outdoors
April showers finally arrived and I’m looking forward to the May flowers it brings. I read a recent article about Nature Deficit Disorder that really spoke to me and I’d like to share a few of the highlights. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser ...
ACEL Students Receive Academic Scholarships
At the annual ACEL Recognition Banquet on April 11, 2016, scholarships were awarded to graduate and undergraduate students. We would like to thank the many donors who make these scholarships possible. The students appreciate your investment in their educa ...
Dairy Herd Health Protocols
Last week I participated in a Dairy Herd Health and Responsible Antibiotic Use workshop taught by Gustavo Schuenemann, Ohio State University Extension Dairy Veterinarian. The take home message to those dairy producers in attendance was this: develop her ...
Non-Livestock/Still Project Fair
4:00 p.m. check in for food, clothing and photography projects 5:00 p.m. check in for animal science, natural resource, science & technology projects 6:00 p.m. Check in for self determined, leadership, child development, money, creative leisure, home ...
Splash Day
Ready to Splash your way inot summer? Join us for a wonderfully wet morning at the annual Splash Camp on Wednesday, July 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the county fairgrounds (for only $5.00 per child) Kids from 5 to 12 years old will work out their ...
YMCA Day Camp
Get Fit with 4-H Day Camp at the Calcutta YMCA on June 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for kids ages 5 to 12 years old. Come prepared for a fun morning of moving, laughing, learning and swimming! The cost will be $3.00 per child. Register by June 16t ...
4-H Program Advisory Committee Meeting
It is mandatory that each committee send a representative to this meeting. Committees and Youth Groups represented Beef/Steer Dairy Beef Feeder Goat Dairy Hog Saddle Horse Lamb Turkey Pocket Pet Rabbit/Poultry/Waterfowl Dairy Judging Tema 4-H Ambassadors ...
Health and Safety Event
Health and Safety Event more information to come ...
Camp Whitewood
Columbiana County Camp week at Camp Whitewood a fun filled week fishing, swimming, making crafts, playing games amd many more activities. Camperships are being offered for any 4-H youth interested in attending, contact the OSU Extension office for more in ...
Senior Fairboard Meeting
Senior Fair Board Meeting open to the public ...