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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H Sea Camp


  2. Ohio 4-H CARTEENS Conference- OH ST Highway Patrol Training Facility- Cols

      Your Ohio 4-H State CARTEENS committee is hosting its biennial state CARTEENS conference at the Ohio State Highway Patrol Training Facility on 17 th  Avenue in Columbus (directly across from the Ohio State Fairgrounds) on November 10.   The cost for the ...

  3. MXC- Making Extreme Counselors- Ohio 4-H Center

    MXC is a national award-winning workshop that will be useful for all potential camp counselors. Don't miss your chance to participate—the event will be offered once in 2013, during the weekend of February 23-24. MXC will be held at the Nationwide &am ...

  4. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership- Online

    Are you a positive leader?  Do you wonder how others think about your attitude as a leader?  A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room.  Are people happy to see you?  Do they want to talk to you?  Or do they quickly ...

  5. Ohio Forestry Association Camp


  6. Ohio 4-H Delegation to Japan Nihongo departs from Ohio


  7. State 4-H Development Office Closed


  8. State 4-H Dog Bowl Contest, Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center


  9. Ohio 4-H Delegation to Costa Rica departs from Ohio


  10. Ohio 4-H Delegation to Australia departs from Ohio

