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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...

  2. 4-H Volunteer Training- Risk Managment in 4-H Clubs

    Come to this training to learn about all the risks and how to minimize them in your 4-H club. ...

  3. New Year's Day observed

    New Year's Day observed-- offices closed. ...

  4. Christmas Holiday observed

    Christsmas Holiday observed-- offices closed. ...

  5. President's Day observed

    President's Day observed-- offices closed. ...

  6. Understanding Environmental Behaviors: A Modification of Value-Belief-Norm theory Applied to Nutrient Management Decisions in the Maumee Watershed

    An Honors Thesis presentation by Karam Sheban will be presented at 2:30 p.m. in 333C Kottman Hall. His presentation is Understanding Environmental Behaviors: A Modification of Value-Belief-Norm Theory Applied to Nutrient Management Decisions in the Maumee ...

  7. 4-H Volunteer Training- Risk Management in 4-H Clubs

    Come to this training to learn about all the risks and how to minimize them in your 4-H club. ...

  8. 4-H Volunteer Kickoff Training

    All clubs are required to have at least one volunteer at this training. Club packets will be available for pick-up. ...

  9. 4-H Volunteer Quality Assurance Update

    All volunteers that have QA training will be required to attend to recieve the updates for the 2015 year. ...

  10. ENRAS Holiday Gathering

    ENRAS invites you to a Holiday Gathering at the Franklin Park Conservatory (1777 E. Broad St., Columbus). $15 admission includes one drink ticket. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Parking if free. Look for the ENRAS reserved table! You must ...
